The Truth, Love & Freedom
Healing Arts Festival
The Festival gives you the opportunity to create your own program and decide which classes you'd like to attend. Please note that, because of the limited space of the pools & domes (about 20 persons for classes), we cannot guarantee your space unless you pre-register purchasing the classes in advance. Classes can be bought online in packages of 3 for $30.
Main Stage - Dance Floor
It will be dedicated to the Tribal-Trance dances, classes and a myriad of
healing demos. It will host the Vendors as well.
Dome 1 - The Divine Lover's Dome
Here we'll hold activities focused on opening the heart, connecting to others,
sensuality, Ecstatic Yoga, Shamanic Tantra, Ecstatic Contact, etc.
Dome 2 - The Divine Bliss Dome
Dedicated to
Meditation, Guided Hypnotic Trances, Sound Healing and Silence.
Dome 3 - The Cosmic Inner Child Dome
Focused on Emotional Release, playfulness and activities to
recover our Innate Innocence.
Upper Pool - The Divine Rebirth
Dedicated during the day to Water Classes taking participants into deep levels of
Relaxation and Intimacy.