The Truth, Love & Freedom
Healing Arts Festival
Dome2 - The Divine Bliss Dome
under construction...
Dedicated to Meditation, Guided Hypnotic Trances, Sound Healing and Silence.
Friday Jun 16th
6-12 pm Chill Space
12-2 am Levi Chen
Saturday June 17th
8:00am - Being Yoga with Lenna:
Being Yoga is a deep journey into listening to the fluids, nervous system and organs, interwoven with yogic asanas. It's a very nurturing, slow and deep yoga practice.10:00 Sound Healing: TBD
12:00 Silence
2:00 Being Stillness with Lenna:
Being Stillness is a guided meditation, an inward journey. Using music and her voice you are guided into the quietness and fullness of your being.4:00 TBD
6:00-7:00 Water Classes Integration with inika
This is a space for integrating experiences, insights, awakenings triggered by the water classes
12:00am Karma Moffett's Tibetan Bell Experience - A Vibrational Sound Experience - A Feast for the Chakras
Enjoy the harmonic vibrations from combinations of Rare Old Tibetan Singing Bowls, Black Metal Hand Bells, Cymbals, Conch Shells and Native American Flutes.
1:00am Kimberly Bass - Crystal Bowls
Instilling a deep sense of relaxation and well being, crystal chakra bowls are one of the newest and most distinctive musical instruments on the planet. Everyone can make music with crystal chakra bowls. Composed of 98.9% silicon quartz, the bowls hold the vibration of white light, ultimately refracting into the rainbow spectrum. The music from this crystal quartz is released as sound, which acts directly on our chakra energy centers. Crystal quartz integrates the balance of our own electromagnetic energies with the same electromagnetic field exists within all life forms.
Accompanying herself with seven chakra bowls, Kimberly Bass has developed an extraordinary style of singing that is in perfect synergy with the acoustic vibrations from the bowls. Drawing from a lifetime's vocal experience, Kimberly's mastery of harmonic sound has been described as "other worldly, putting the listener into a transfixed eternal moment." Her celestial chants take us through harmonic sound portals where one may experience a high level of self transformation. This new form of harmonic singing, combined with crystal sounds may someday be compared to that of the ancient Lambdoma and the Pythagorean doctrine of world harmony.
2:00am Levi Chen
Sunday June 18th
8:00 am Being Yoga with Lenna: Look on Saturday for description.
10:00 am Sound Healing: TBD
12pm Closing & Breakdown